Friday, June 12, 2009

Immunization Day

Shot Day
Originally uploaded by Jamie Howell
Today Elizabeth had her 2 month check up with the doctor. She's now 11 pounds 10 oz and 22 inches long. Doctor says she's perfectly average for her weight and just slightly under average for her length. He said it's nothing to be concerned about and she's growing well.

He checked that she could pick her head up while lying on her belly and that she could follow objects with her eyes. He asked if she's smiling which she does quite often these days. He didn't have to ask if she's cooing noises as she was telling him a long story while he was examining her. All and all she's doing everything she's supposed to be doing for her age.

After that we had to get 3 booster shots. They were 7 immunizations but they were luckily combined into 3 shots. I don't think I could sit and watch her getting 7 shots! She took them like a trooper and although she screamed she calmed down soon and by the time I got her home she was sleeping peacefully. Poor little baby.

This is the last week I have home with Elizabeth as I return to work on Monday. I'm really not looking forward to it. I know she's going to be well taken care of with my mom watching her but I'm going to miss her so much!

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