Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dodge's New Job

We haven't been very pleased with the schedule changes Dodge's work has made. Third shift just doesn't work for us. As a result, we started actively looking to find a place for Dodge that would put him back on the day shift at the very least. Specifically looking in the Lansing area so we could car pool and save some gas money.

Well, Dodge was called today with a job offer with the State of Michigan on one of their network server teams. Not only is it a great new job in Lansing, it's in the exact same building as me!

What does this mean? I now have a driver and can nap on the way to work! Woo!! Oh and Dodge will have a shorter commute and we'll save gas money and other stuff, too.

We're both very excited and are certain this will be a very good thing for us. Congratulations Dodge!


Nathan said...

Woo Hoo!
Congrats Dodge!

Unknown said...

Congrats Dodge. Let me know when your last day is so we can be sure to get together before then. I'll miss ya big guy.

Katie said...
