Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bragging about my Sweetie

Yeah, we don’t post here a lot, but I’m going to try and get that to change.  In that effort, here is an email that Jamie received today at work:



I am the web liaison for our bureau and as such am frequently submitting requests for web updates to the DIT team. Even though I’ve always found the entire team to be efficient in their response, one member, Jamie Howell, never ceases to amaze me. She’s always quick to respond, knowledgeable and willing to work with anyone to get the job done.

Here’s just one example of what I’m talking about:

I submitted a request this week for a new page to be added to our bureau site. I wanted the page to have a specific layout with links to 83 separate files. Jamie told me the layout I wanted wasn’t possible with standard templates available in the web software, but she should be able to manipulate the software to get close to the result I was looking for. She also said she was working on a high priority project and it might be a couple of days before she could get my page done. I confirmed that the couple of days would be fine and I was willing to accept whatever layout she could come up with to house the links to my 83 files. To my surprise and delight, she finished the new web page that same day and exactly in the layout I had requested … did I mention she’s amazing.

While shouting her praise to a co-worker, I was told I was “preaching to the choir” which shows I’m not the only one who notices and truly appreciates all of Jamie’s hard work. She cares for her customers and that always shows in the special attention she gives to each and every one.

Thank you Jamie for making our jobs a little easier, we truly appreciate you. You are one of the gems at Treasury. Please don’t ever leave us.

She’s a great worker and she cares so much about her quality of work; it’s great to see it being recognized!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fourth of July

Originally uploaded by Jamie Howell
Happy Fourth of July everyone!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Box with Arms

Sure. The calendar calls it a tea kettle. But let's be serious. It's a
box with arms.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Watching Scooby Doo

I'm still playing around with my iphone camera. She was sitting so cute next to Daddy and was really focusing like she was watching tv.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day 2009

Father's Day 2009
Originally uploaded by Jamie Howell
We had a celebration weekend at our house!

Saturday we all got dressed up and went to Dodge's favorite restaurant, Sushi Zen, to celebrate his graduating from college! Elizabeth was a tad restless but was ok if Mommy held her the entire dinner. Food was excellent as usual and Dodge was happy which was the point!

Sunday was Dodge's first fathers day so Elizabeth and I decided the best gift we could get him was 8 solid hours of sleep. Well, I decided that. Elizabeth wasn't too hip to the plan. I ended up having to take her on a car ride out of the house for the last hour and a half to make sure Dodge kept on sleeping. While we were out we picked up some donuts and chocolate milk for daddy for a breakfast surprise!

His gifts he had opened earlier as I still can't wait when I have a gift in my hand. He got a new mouse pad with a picture of Elizabeth printed on it (nerdy mixed with daddy-ness) and a key chain with his favorite picture of Elizabeth and him on it. Oh and some Microsoft books that he asked for.

We spent the afternoon hanging out by the pool at my parent's house for a BBQ with my dad. Elizabeth did not like the idea of swimming. Oma tried dipping her toes into the water which started a screaming fit that lasted quite a bit. She'll like swimming when she's older.

By the end of the day, I was completely spent. I planned on staying up and watching a movie with my two favorite people but I went to bed early. Daddy cuddled Elizabeth until she went to sleep.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Immunization Day

Shot Day
Originally uploaded by Jamie Howell
Today Elizabeth had her 2 month check up with the doctor. She's now 11 pounds 10 oz and 22 inches long. Doctor says she's perfectly average for her weight and just slightly under average for her length. He said it's nothing to be concerned about and she's growing well.

He checked that she could pick her head up while lying on her belly and that she could follow objects with her eyes. He asked if she's smiling which she does quite often these days. He didn't have to ask if she's cooing noises as she was telling him a long story while he was examining her. All and all she's doing everything she's supposed to be doing for her age.

After that we had to get 3 booster shots. They were 7 immunizations but they were luckily combined into 3 shots. I don't think I could sit and watch her getting 7 shots! She took them like a trooper and although she screamed she calmed down soon and by the time I got her home she was sleeping peacefully. Poor little baby.

This is the last week I have home with Elizabeth as I return to work on Monday. I'm really not looking forward to it. I know she's going to be well taken care of with my mom watching her but I'm going to miss her so much!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Movies Redux

I used to have a bad habit of purchasing any movie that I thought looked vaguely interesting.  I would go to Amazon once a month or so and purchase 3-5 movies and spend an evening watching the movies back-to-back and enjoying a “nice” dinner.  Sometimes there would be a theme to the movies such as “horror”, “independent films”, etc.; sometimes not.  Sometimes the movies would be good; sometimes not.  In the end though, I ended up moving to Michigan with a healthy collection of DVD’s, but have since found that with the advent of Netflix that I don’t find it necessary to purchase nearly a fraction of the amount of DVD’s that I used to.  And considering that I don’t watch the movies that I currently own nearly enough to justify spending 20+ dollars on most of them; I’m OK with not owning most of the latest and greatest movies.  Of course if it’s a good movie that’s supernatural in its theme or based on a comic book, I’m usually prone to pick it up.

With my wife off work and with the demand that the baby takes on us, we find ourselves more inclined to watch a movie or read a book than we are to play a computer or console game.  In the past few years if we had a spare time we might watch a movie once a week, but most of our time was spent playing WarCraft.  Now we will probably watch a movie once a day, if not two.  And although it has crossed my mind to increase our Netflix rental agreement, that’s pretty expensive.  Instead we’ve found ourselves turning not only to streaming Netflix’s “instant view” movies from our Tivo, but digitizing our existing movies on a computer and streaming them from our XBox 360.

The bonus of digitizing our movies is that it not only brings new novelty to watching the movies, but it places the movies at “our fingertips” so-to-speak.  It also allows us to put the movies in a format that lets us carry the movies with us on our iPhones.  Of course I’ve played with this before over the years, but I would end up with movies that would have out-of-synch audio tracks, pixilation, or some other defect that would drive me insane and I would eventually stop encoding movies and give up the entire endeavor.  However, after reading guide after guide and trying different tools, all the while protesting any software that would charge me a fee to use it, Maximum PC finally released a guide on how to digitize movies using entirely free software.  (I however deviate from their suggested DVD Decoder, by using DVDFab which I discovered by reading another one of their articles.)

Another great feature about digitizing movies is that we can insert audio tracks into the digital movies, which finally brings me to the product that actually inspired this post:  Rifftrax

For those who were fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000, the names  Mike Nelson (Mike), Bill Corbett (The second voice of Crow, Observer/Brain Guy), and Kevin Murphy (Tom Servo, Professor Bobo, Cambot) are probably familiar.  If not, I definitely recommend looking into watching an episode of Mystery Science Theater (on TV or Netflix), The Film Crew (which has episodes on Hulu and Netflix), or Cinematic Titanic (DVD only).

For those who are unfamiliar with the project, Rifftrax is basically an audio commentary by one or more individuals (usually Mike, Bill, and Kevin) that goes along with a movie.  What you do is you purchase the audio file for around $4.00 and rent the movie it goes along with.  (They also have Video On Demand purchases for some movies from $.99 for short films to $9.99 for others, but since I don’t stream from a PC desktop or use a media center PC it’s not an option for me.) You queue up the movie and the audio and then play them at the same time.  What you end up with is a hysterical commentary on a wide range of movie such as Star Wars, Spiderman, The Dark Knight, Glitter, Next, etc.  It makes for a great evening and is a ton of fun, but most of all it breathes new life into a movie you’ve probably already seen several times before.  At my last count there were around 95 movies that have been “riffed”, and that’s not including the independent film riffs and the user-submitted (and Rifftrax approved) riffs. I personally find them hysterical.

But they’re also great because I can merge them into the digitized films I create as a separate audio track; meaning that with a little bit of extra work I can merge the Rifftrax with the video file and not have to worry about synching them together.  This makes for a better experience overall, and again makes the movies worth watching again; either in their original format or with a hysterical audio commentary.  Plus, although there are only a few of them, sometimes Rifftrax has special commentators such as “Weird Al" Yankovic and Neil Patrick Harris (that’s right.. I said NPH).

You don’t need to be a fan of MST3K to enjoy these and once you purchase the file it’s available from their website in PAL, NTSC, and .riff (the file needed for their desktop player) for quite a while.  I have purchases that are over 2 years old that are still available for download.

Anyway, this is obviously my latest passion and obsession which I thought I would share.  I think it’s a great project and worth supporting.


It looks like the Rifftrax crew has been able to obtain the rights for some of the older movies and shorts and is releasing them upon DVD on June 16, 2009.  My fault for not looking this up!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Dodge is a College Grad!

Dodge got the good news today that he has passed his final class and has earned his Bachelor of Science in Information Technology/Information Systems Security. Elizabeth and I could not be more proud of him.

We have a very busy weekend coming up but we will be going out to celebrate as soon as possible! Congratulations!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Awaiting news


This past Monday was the last day of my last class for my Bachelor of Science in Information Technology/Information Systems Security degree.  It was marked by having to take the day off of work to finish my Learning Group project which the rest of the group decided to contribute little to no work; leaving me to work hurriedly upon it to ensure that I received a passing grade.  Now, I eagerly await news of my grade, which my teacher says should be posted in the next few days.  Technically he is allotted a week by the school to post the grades, but I of course find myself wanting to check every hour to see if maybe he has in fact posted it early.

Last night as I was talking to my parents over Skype about what I will do now with my free time since school is over with, I told her that I had several ideas of what to do:

  1. Continue on with my education and obtain a Bachelor’s in Computer Science as well.
  2. Continue on with my education and obtain a Master’s in Information Technology.
  3. Work on upgrading my Microsoft certifications.
  4. Do absolutely nothing.

I think of all the choices, I will work on my Microsoft certifications.  I enjoyed working on them, although I did tend to stress out about the tests.  So much so that after a test I usually came home and slept for several hours.  However, I think that this is the best choice for me and my family at this point since I can control for the most part when I take the tests and how long I need to study each day.  School has a regimented schedule of which I have very little control over, plus it is quite a bit more expensive.  I also miss the hands-on aspect of technology that studying for the exams entailed; where school (other than the programming courses) was usually more theoretical and procedural.

Also, the huge contributor to the equation is Elizabeth.  Since her birth most of my free time which was eaten up by playing World of WarCraft, which has fallen by the wayside, because such activities that are a) hobbies and b) take too much time and attention away from her.  This weekend while I was writing my paper, I was able to prop Elizabeth on a pillow beside me and work on the paper as she slept.  I found that as I was reading a Microsoft Security Resource Kit book that I own, that I missed reading and learning about technology.  The fact that I was able to watch over her, engage her when she was awake, and watch her while she was asleep seemed like an added bonus.  Plus it gave Jamie a well-deserved break as well.  It all seems very conducive to our lifestyle.

Of course there is still time for some gaming now and again, but it’s pretty impromptu and casual at best.  For now though, I see most of my time being spent with Elizabeth either watching movies or reading; and that’s OK with me. :)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Elizabeth is Now 2 Months Old

Elizabeth is now two months old and growing fast. Her one month doctor appointment shows she's growing really well. 9 lbs and 21 inches long. She's now average length and weight for her age which is great since she was a preemie.

Elizabeth's favorite game to play is called "Wowzers" where we help her sit up. She has a special grunt noise she uses to signal for Oma to walk and carry her around the room. Fuzzy is her little bear blanket that is super soft that she loves to cuddle. If you hold it up for her she'll rub her face across it.

I'm still off work taking care of her until June 15th. I'm really not looking forward to that day. It's been wonderful taking care of her every day. We're very lucky that Oma is going to watch her for us. It will be comforting to know that she is well taken care of all day.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mothers Day to all the mom's and grandmom's out there!

Today's actually the day my little one was due if she hadn't decided to pop out six weeks earlier. I'm glad she's already here so I can officially celebrate my first mother's day.

I was already treated to flowers, cards and my favorite donuts this morning. I also got a nice gift card for a spa day. I'm really looking forward to that! I could get used to getting spoiled on mother's day!

Later we are off to Oma's house for a BBQ and to celebrate mama's day with my mama!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Flickr Photos

Thursday, April 2, 2009

New Baby Girl

We had a little surprise this morning when baby decided she's coming
out! She was still breech so I had a c-section. She had some breathing
problems when she arrived but she is doing great.

6 lb 9 oz. 18 inches long. No name yet. We're working on it!

Dodge and I are very happy. She is beautiful!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Baby Shower

Yesterday I had a wonderful baby shower hosted by my Mom and sister. It was a great spending time with friends and family all excited for baby's arrival. Dodge and I got so many wonderful gifts from everyone. We can't wait for baby to arrive so we can start using them!

Thank you everyone who attended and a special thank you to my mom and sister for throwing such a fantastic party for me.

More pictures found on my Flickr pages at

Friday, March 27, 2009

Lunch With Dodge's Parents

After a nice time shopping at Babies R Us we stopped at Clara's for

Thursday, March 26, 2009

How Perfect!

It's very fitting that today's origami is Texas Longhorns as we are
waiting for Dodge's parents to arrive for a visit for the weekend!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ice Skates

These look like ice skates to you? Yea. Me neither.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So last night I decided to start reading to the baby. I wanted to spend some time trying to get her more used to my voice and to start spending some "quality time" with my child, even if she is still in the womb. Plus developing the habit of reading to her at night is something that I'd like to do. I have chosen to start with The Complete Wizard of Oz Collection on my kindle. It was only $.99 for 15 books, so it was a good economical choice. Also, my older brother Michael used to have quite a few of those books and when I took over his room I discovered them and read one or two of them. For those of you who haven't read them before, the story is different from that told in the movie (as most Hollywood remakes are). In the first chapter Dorthy, her aunt, and her uncle are basically described and then the tornado comes. There are no farm hands discussed, there is no evil neighbor who carts off Toto, and her aunt is not the over-emphasized matronly figure that she is in the begging of the movie. It has been my personal goal to read these and some other classic (such as Robin Hood, Winnie the Pooh, Robinson Crusoe, Tarzan, King Arthur, etc.) and I think that reading to my child is a perfect time to do this, at least until she starts voicing to me what she would like to be read.

However, what we did not expect is how much the baby would react to the reading. So, there we are laying down in bed, my head near Jamie's mid-torso and my hand on her belly and I start noticing Jamie jerking a bit about 5 minutes into the first chapter. She informs me that the baby is kicking up a storm and moves my hand down to where she is kicking and I immediately feel something move across my hand. It was pretty amazing. We continued reading and the baby continued to be very active.

I have to say that I am completely in love with my little girl and that it means so much to me that even now she responds to my voice the way that she did. I can't wait to have her arrive and hold her in my arms, and of course read to her in person.

Friday, March 20, 2009

My New Cubicle

Yup, it looks exactly like my old cubicle. I only moved down the hallway a bit. Maybe about 3 cubes away. You never realize how much junk you've collected until you have to move it all in a single afternoon.

My old cubie they're giving to some folks to group some project people in a single area. I don't mind the new area too much except I'm kind of in the center of a hallway and have a feeling am going to be having the back of my head stared at a lot.

Right now I'm just glad I'm moved. I'm pooped out! Luckily it ate away most of my Friday so I don't have too much longer before it's time to go!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Oscar's Bone

I haven't a clue where the heck he found it but this morning Oscar came up from the basement with the biggest bone in his mouth. I just don't know where he got it from. It's so big I don't think it's any bone I would buy for the dogs.

He's carrying around with him everywhere and he's happy so I guess that's all that matters.

Friday, February 13, 2009

My Valentine

Dodge completely surprised me by having my valentines gift delivered to me today while at work. Even though we both agreed Valentine's day could easily be skipped. We'd rather celebrate my Mom's birthday (it's tomorrow)!

I got a call from the building's back dock telling me I needed to sign something and I asked twice, "You sure it's for me?" I honestly couldn't figure what would have been delivered in my name. I also had no idea where the back dock was but it was clearly labeled so I had no problems.

It's a plant instead of just some roses so here's hoping I can keep it alive! I'm definitely taking it home. There's no light here in my dungeon of an office. The toy is very cute, too. I love puppies!

It was very sweet of him and I appreciate it very much. Thank you sweetheart! I love you.

Damn My Luck!

Dodge forgot to renew his license plate last year and we just never noticed it. He has 2007 tags on his plate all year and has been driving to Ann Arbor every day. It's almost time to renew his plates again so it's almost been a full year (his birthday is next month). He's also been driving us to work each day since he started working in Lansing. No problems.

Yesterday, he had his Weight Watchers meeting so we stopped at the baptist church on S. M-52 across from Baker College and he handed me the keys. I was to drive from the church to home. That's it. We're talking maybe 2 miles that I would be driving the car.

I got pulled over before even reaching M-21 and got a $75 ticket for expired plates. What the heck! How in the blazes didn't he get caught before now? Lucky son of a gun.

At least the insurance was up to date as I know for certain that's a driver responsibility fee. I'm hoping expired plates isn't considered for one.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Paper Love

So imagine my surprise today when I came into work and there was an oragami heart laying on my keyboard!  Now I know for a fact that this was a project that took my wife several days to learn how to make!  (It was a multiple part piece of the previously mentioned oragami calendar.)

Now I would like to say that it's been a very long time since I had someone been able to leave me something like this and keep it a secret from me.  It was so great to walk into my second day of work and find a little "I love you" in my cubicle.  

Thank you Jamie!

Dodge's New Office

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dodge's New Job

We haven't been very pleased with the schedule changes Dodge's work has made. Third shift just doesn't work for us. As a result, we started actively looking to find a place for Dodge that would put him back on the day shift at the very least. Specifically looking in the Lansing area so we could car pool and save some gas money.

Well, Dodge was called today with a job offer with the State of Michigan on one of their network server teams. Not only is it a great new job in Lansing, it's in the exact same building as me!

What does this mean? I now have a driver and can nap on the way to work! Woo!! Oh and Dodge will have a shorter commute and we'll save gas money and other stuff, too.

We're both very excited and are certain this will be a very good thing for us. Congratulations Dodge!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I'm pretty proud of this one so I wanted to share it. It's actually
from yesterday's lesson. Today was another base to learn. Bleh.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jamie: 6 Months Pregnant

Jamie 6 Months Pregnant
Originally uploaded by Jamie Howell
A picture of me at 24 weeks pregnant. I look like I'm smuggling an inner tube under my shirt! It's ok though because most women I see look at me and tell me "You're so cute!". Sarah was commenting on my pregnancy waddle yesterday.

Dodge and I are getting ready to head to the doctor's for this month's check up.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lunch With My Seester

She always seems to know when I didn't pack a lunch for work and
invites me out. Yay!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Matt's Annoy-A-Tron

This is Matt's newest toy that he bought for himself off of The Annoy-A-Tron 2.0. What it does is it sounds a short noise at random intervals. He went for the deluxe version with a volume control and multiple noise settings. It's also a handy magnet so you can stick it in out of the way places. You hide it away and just let it make it's noises all day. The purpose is of course to annoy people into saying "What the heck is that noise!?"

Matt was super excited when he got it and told me about it. I'm the geek that told Matt about so I won't be one of his victims.

He chose to use new student Craig as the guinea pig. He was super crafty about hiding it. He opened Craig's computer case and put it inside so it would seem like the noises were coming from his computer.

Unfortunately Craig completely ignored all the noises from the machine. All day long it went off and Craig didn't even acknowledge it. Matt sits right next to Craig and said he could hear the beeping going off clear as day and didn't understand how Craig could just ignore it.

Matt stepped up his game and hid the chip outside of Craig's computer and turned up the volume thinking he had to hear it now. He left it there for a week. Again Craig completely ignored the noise and Matt was in the next cube hearing it all day.

Right now the only one annoyed by the Annoy-A-Tron is Matt. I think it's hilarious! I believe he's given up on Craig and plans to try and get Karen with the device next.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Origami Raincoat

Here is the picture of the origami raincoat as requested. Today's was
a canoe. No picture of that because my version looks like poo!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This is origami?

Really? 3 folds and we call it a cupboard? Today's origami is the
lame! The other days raincoat was way cooler than this and it used
this base fold. *sigh*

Hopfully tomorrows is cooler.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dodge's New Schedule

Vienna sez "My pillow"
Originally uploaded by Jamie Howell

With the new year came a new schedule for Dodge's work. They laid off quite a few people and while Dodge was fortunate enough to keep his job his schedule was forced to change dramatically. Instead of a typical 8am -5pm shift, he's now working midnight to 10am Sunday through Wednesday.

Most of the household is not adapting to this very well. I didn't really enjoy spending my Saturday and Sunday afternoons alone while he was sleeping. Saturday night was a little boring as well as I sat home alone. I do get to see him a bit in the evenings before he has to leave so that's not so horrible but it's difficult falling asleep without him there.

Oscar is convinced each night that daddy just went out to the store and will be back any minute. He stays by the door and barks at any noise thinking it's Dodge come home. I had to get him new batteries for his bark collar before I lost it and sold him to the gypsies. He was making me insane.

Koegel's a little grumpy that his daddy isn't around. He has discovered how to pull tissues from the Kleenex box and I woke up the other morning to his little temper tantrum display. Torn up tissues all over the living room. We have moved the Kleenex box out of his range now.

Vienna seems to be the only one who thinks this change in the schedule is wonderful. She gets to sleep on the bed all night with me until I get up for work. Then Dodge comes home and she gets to spend all afternoon on the bed sleeping with him. She's probably only awake about 6 or so hours a day now and it suits her just fine.

Tomorrow will be his last work day for the week and hopefully the 3 days off will make all the time missed with him seem not so bad.