Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Promotion and a Raise!

I'm so very happy to report that today I got the email from HR saying my promotion to a level 12 has been processed and I'm also getting a $2 raise! It's taken quite a while (at least over a year) for this to happen. I know my boss also submitted the paperwork for me last year but was tossed out because of the executive directive that prohibited any hiring or any kind of movement of current workers (not even lateral moves). But this year it went through and I'm pretty stoked about it. And yesterday we got the 2% cost of living increase which will be calculated to my new salary. Cha-ching!

This really couldn't come at a better time. Dodge's car is in the shop and trust me you don't want me to go into that horrific tale (I'll just say that Ford mechanics are rip off artists). We've had to rent a car so he can get to work in the mean time and the totals for things are starting to pile up. It at least feels like a positive in this swirling pile of poo.

1 comment:

The Famous Mr Ed said...

I think all mechanics are rip off artists

Half the reason I ditched the Pontiac was the every other month $800 repair bills