Monday, March 17, 2008

Sharon and Matt's Birthday Bash

I'm starting to recuperate from this past weekend. I don't even plan on drinking tonight because I'm still hurting so bad.

Friday night we had a going away party for my boss who's taken a job in Ann Arbor. We went to Logan's and I had a couple beers there before heading home. I wasn't home long before I get a text message from Eric saying they were down at the Korner. So I went and visited with them and had a few more beers. Surprisingly, I was pretty ok Saturday.

Turns out that was all just practise for Sharon and Matt's Birthday party on Saturday. We had a big party bus to chauffeur us around. I can't speak for everyone but I drank ENTIRELY too much.

First bar we visited was Locker Room. I can tell I'm old because the place was loud and out of control. But as soon as I got with the program I was totally on board and having a great time. Wayne and Brian came out to see us, too! Picture is of the set up domino of Jagerbomb shots before they were toppled. It made a heck of a mess but was sure cool to see. Matt got a video of it on his camera. Maybe I can convince him to share it with me.

Later we went to Jamboozies which I vaguely remember though I do recall Sharon buying us pizza that I thought was absolutely fabulous. What a party! We of course stayed at Sharon's overnight and today (2 days later) I'm still recovering. It's been a long time since I've consumed this much booze.

More very blurry pictures of that evening are available in my Flickr account. It's weird but when you can't stand up straight or focus, your photos seem to reflect it.

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